📄️ Introduction
What is a workflow?
📄️ Connections
What is a connection?
📄️ Credential store
⭐ This is a premium feature ⭐
📄️ Deleting a workflow
Deleting a workflow removes it from your library. It also removes all files connected to that workflow including files uploaded to components (such as spreadsheets and document templates) as well as generated and uploaded files. You might want to consider downloading all of the files in the file library, exporting any form data and workflow data etc.
📄️ File Library
Each workflow has its own File Library page, which will contain all files uploaded and generated in any workflow sessions from that workflow.
📄️ Placeholders
What is a placeholder?
📄️ Internal placeholders
Reference question answers in another question
📄️ Placeholders
What is a placeholder?