Zendesk is a customer service platform that provides support, sales, and customer engagement software. This integration allows you to interact with Zendesk using API Key authentication to perform various actions such as creating, updating, and listing support tickets.
To use this integration, you will need to create an API token for your Zendesk account. See the Credentials page for more information.
Create a new ticket
This action creates a new support ticket in Zendesk through API token authentication.
Subdomain: The unique subdomain of your Zendesk account. This is usually found in the URL you use to access Zendesk, such as 'yoursubdomain.zendesk.com'. Ensure that the subdomain is alphanumeric and may include hyphens or underscores.
Email Address: The email address associated with your Zendesk account which has API access permissions. Make sure this email is valid and has the necessary permissions.
Ticket Subject: The subject of the ticket. This is a brief summary of the issue or request. It should be concise and up to 255 characters long.
Ticket Comment Body: A detailed comment or description of the ticket. This is required and should include all necessary information related to the issue or request.
The output of this action is a confirmation of the ticket creation, including the ticket ID and other relevant details.
Update a ticket
This action updates an existing ticket in Zendesk with new information using API token authentication.
Zendesk Subdomain: Your Zendesk account's subdomain. This is the subdomain part of your Zendesk URL, e.g., if your Zendesk URL is 'https://mycompany.zendesk.com', your subdomain is 'mycompany'.
Ticket ID: The ID of the ticket you want to update. You can find the ticket ID in the ticket URL or under ticket details in Zendesk.
Email Address: The email address associated with your Zendesk account that has permission to update the ticket.
Status: The new status of the ticket. Common statuses are 'open', 'pending', 'hold', 'solved', or 'closed'.
Comment Body: The comment body content for the update. Provide additional information or updates about the ticket.
Author ID: The ID of the author making the update. This is usually your Zendesk user ID.
The output of this action is a confirmation of the ticket update, including the updated ticket details.
List all tickets
Retrieve a list of all tickets from the Zendesk account using an API token for authentication.
Zendesk Subdomain: The subdomain of your Zendesk account. You can find this in the URL when you log into Zendesk. For example, if your URL is https://mycompany.zendesk.com, then 'mycompany' is your subdomain.
Email Address: The email address associated with your Zendesk account. This is used for authentication alongside your API token.
The output of this action is a list of all tickets in your Zendesk account, including details such as ticket ID, subject, status, and more.