Calendly is a scheduling tool that helps you manage appointments and meetings efficiently. It integrates with your calendar to automatically check availability and allows others to book time with you without the back-and-forth emails.
Delete Webhook
Delete a specific webhook subscription in Calendly.
- UUID: Enter the UUID of the webhook subscription you want to delete. This is the unique identifier for the webhook subscription you wish to remove. You can find this UUID in your Calendly account settings or by listing your current webhook subscriptions through the Calendly API.
The action will delete the specified webhook subscription. There is no output if the deletion is successful.
List Organization Memberships
Retrieve a list of Organization Memberships for all users belonging to an organization.
- Organization URI: Enter the organization URI. You can find this in your Calendly account settings or by making a GET request to the /users/me endpoint.
- Email: Enter an email address to filter results. This will return memberships for users with this email address.
- User URI: Enter a user URI to filter results. You can find user URIs by making a GET request to /users/me or /organization_memberships endpoints.
- Count: Enter the number of results to return per page. Must be a positive integer.
- Page Token: Enter the pagination token. This is returned in the response of a previous request if there are more pages available.
- Sort: Enter the sort order for the results. Valid values are 'created_at:asc' for ascending order or 'created_at:desc' for descending order based on creation time.
The action returns a list of organization memberships based on the specified filters.
Get Scheduled Events
Retrieve a list of scheduled events for a Calendly organization within a specified date range.
- Organization UUID: Enter your Calendly organization UUID. You can find this in your Calendly account settings or by making a request to the /users/me endpoint.
- Min Start Time: Enter the earliest start time for events to return, in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z).
- Max Start Time: Enter the latest start time for events to return, in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2023-12-31T23:59:59Z).
The action returns a list of scheduled events within the specified date range.
List Users
Retrieve a list of users in an organization using the Calendly API.
- User URI: Enter the user URI. You can obtain this by first calling the 'Get current user' endpoint if needed. It typically looks like ''.
The action returns a list of users in the specified organization.
List Event Types
Retrieves a list of event types associated with a specified user.
- User ID: Enter the User ID. You can find the User ID in the Calendly dashboard under Account Settings > API & Webhooks.
The action returns a list of event types for the specified user.
List User Availability Schedules
Retrieves a list of availability schedules for a specified user.
- User URI: Enter the user URI. You can find the user URI in the Calendly API response when fetching user details or in your Calendly account settings.
- Count: Enter the number of results to return. The maximum allowed value is 100.
- Page Token: Enter the pagination token to retrieve the next page of results.
The action returns a list of availability schedules for the specified user.
Get User Availability Schedule
Retrieves the availability schedule for a specific user.
- UUID: Enter the UUID of the user availability schedule. You can find this UUID in the Calendly dashboard under the user's settings or by making a call to list user availability schedules.
The action returns the availability schedule for the specified user.
Create Event Type
Create a new event type in Calendly.
- Event Type Name: Enter the name of the event type. Choose a clear and descriptive name.
- Event Type Slug: Enter the slug for the event type URL. Use lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only.
- Event Type Description: Enter a description for the event type. A brief description of the event type that will be visible to invitees.
- Event Type Kind: Select the kind of event type. Possible values are 'solo', 'group', or 'collective'.
- Event Type Duration: Enter the duration of the event in minutes. This should be a positive integer.
- Event Type Color: Enter the color for the event type. Use a valid hex color code including the # symbol.
- Event Type Active: Set whether the event type is active. Enter 'true' for active or 'false' for inactive.
- Event Type Secret: Set whether the event type is secret. Enter 'true' for secret or 'false' for public.
- Event Type Pooling Type: Select the pooling type for the event. Use 'round_robin' or 'collective'.
- Event Type Type: Enter the type of event. Usually 'StandardEventType' for most events.
- User Name: Enter the name of the user creating the event type.
- User UUID: Enter the UUID of the user creating the event type.
The action creates a new event type with the specified details.
Get Event Type
Retrieve details about a specific event type in Calendly.
- Event Type UUID: Enter the Event Type UUID. You can find this UUID in the Calendly dashboard under the specific event type's settings or by listing all event types.
The action returns details about the specified event type.
Create User Availability Schedule
Create a new availability schedule for a Calendly user.
- User URI: Enter the user URI. You can find the user URI in the Calendly API documentation or by making a GET request to /users endpoint.
- Schedule Name: Enter a name for the availability schedule. A descriptive name for the new availability schedule.
- Day of Week: Enter the day of the week for the availability rule. Valid values are: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat.
- Start Time: Enter the start time for the availability interval in 24-hour format (HH:MM).
- End Time: Enter the end time for the availability interval in 24-hour format (HH:MM).
The action creates a new availability schedule for the specified user.
List Webhooks
Retrieve a list of all webhook subscriptions for the authenticated user or organization.
- Count: Enter the number of results per page. Specify the number of webhook subscriptions to return per page in the response.
- Page Token: Enter the page token for the next set of results.
- Organization URI: Enter the organization URI. Provide the URI of the organization for which you want to list webhook subscriptions.
- User URI: Enter the user URI. Provide the URI of the specific user for which you want to list webhook subscriptions.
- Scope: Enter the scope of webhook subscriptions to return. Specify 'user' or 'organization'.
The action returns a list of webhook subscriptions based on the specified filters.
Update Event Type
Update an existing event type in Calendly.
- UUID: Enter the UUID of the event type you want to update. You can find this in the URL of the event type page in Calendly or by using the List Event Types API endpoint.
- Name: Enter the new name for the event type. This is what invitees will see when booking.
- Description: Enter the new description for the event type. This provides additional information to invitees about the event.
- Color: Enter the new color for the event type in hexadecimal format.
- Active: Enter whether the event type should be active or not. Set to true if you want the event type to be active and available for booking, or false if you want to deactivate it.
The action updates the specified event type with the new details.
Create Webhook
Create a new webhook subscription for Calendly events.
- Webhook URL: Enter the webhook URL. Provide the full URL where Calendly should send webhook events.
- Organization URI: Enter your Calendly organization URI. Provide the full URI of your Calendly organization.
The action creates a new webhook subscription with the specified details.
Cancel Scheduled Event
Cancel a scheduled event in Calendly using its UUID.
- UUID: Enter the UUID of the scheduled event you want to cancel. You can find this in the event details or by listing your scheduled events through the Calendly API.
- Reason: Enter the reason for cancelling the event (optional). Provide a brief explanation for why the event is being cancelled.
The action cancels the specified scheduled event.
Delete Event Type
Delete a specific event type in Calendly.
- Event Type UUID: Enter the Event Type UUID. You can find this UUID in your Calendly account under the event type settings or by using the List Event Types API endpoint.
The action deletes the specified event type.
Get User
Retrieve information about the authenticated Calendly user.
- User ID: Enter the user ID or 'me' for the current user. Specify the Calendly user ID to retrieve information for.
The action returns information about the specified user.
List Scheduled Events
Retrieve a list of scheduled events for a Calendly organization or user.
- Organization URI: Enter the organization URI. You can find this in your Calendly account settings under 'Organization Details'.
- User URI: Enter the user URI. You can find this in your Calendly account settings under 'My Information'.
- Count: Enter the number of results to return. Maximum value is 100.
- Min Start Time: Enter the minimum start time for events. Use ISO 8601 format.
- Max Start Time: Enter the maximum start time for events. Use ISO 8601 format.
- Status: Enter the status of events to filter. Possible values are 'active' or 'canceled'.
- Invitee Email: Enter the invitee's email address. Return events scheduled with the invitee associated with this email address.
- Sort: Enter the sort order for results. Order results by the created_at field.
The action returns a list of scheduled events based on the specified filters.
Get Organization
Retrieve information about the authenticated user's current organization.
- Access Token: Enter your Calendly access token. You can generate this from the Integrations page in your Calendly account settings.
The action returns information about the authenticated user's current organization.
Get Webhook Subscriptions
List webhook subscriptions for an organization or user in Calendly.
- Organization URI: Enter the organization URI. The URI of the organization for which you want to list webhook subscriptions.
- Scope: Enter the scope of the webhook subscriptions. Enter 'organization' to list webhooks for the entire organization, or 'user' to list webhooks for a specific user.
The action returns a list of webhook subscriptions based on the specified scope.
List User Busy Times
Retrieve a list of user's busy times within a specified date range.
- User URI: Enter the user URI. The URI of the user to return busy times for.
- Start Time: Enter the start time for the date range. The start of the time range to return busy times for, in UTC format.
- End Time: Enter the end time for the date range. The end of the time range to return busy times for, in UTC format.
The action returns a list of busy times for the specified user within the date range.