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Slack is a messaging app for teams that brings all your communication together, giving everyone a shared workspace where conversations are organized and accessible.

Invite users to a channel

This action invites one or more users to a specified Slack channel.


  • Channel ID: The ID of the Slack channel to which you want to invite users. You can find the channel ID in the Slack channel's URL or by using the Slack API to list channels. The ID must start with a 'C' followed by 10 alphanumeric characters. Example: C1234567890.

  • User IDs: A comma-separated list of user IDs to invite to the channel. User IDs can be found by listing users in your Slack workspace. Each ID must start with a 'U' followed by 10 alphanumeric characters. Example: U1234567890,U0987654321.

Create a new channel

Creates a new channel in a Slack workspace.


  • Channel Name: The name of the new channel you want to create. The name can be between 1 and 80 characters and may include lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. Example: new-channel.

  • Slack Workspace URL: The URL of the Slack API endpoint for the workspace. This is usually Ensure it starts with

Send a message to a channel

This action sends a message to a specified Slack channel.


  • Channel ID: The ID of the Slack channel where you want to send the message. You can find the channel ID in the Slack channel's URL or channel settings. The ID must start with 'C' or 'G' followed by alphanumeric characters. Example: C1234567890.

  • Message Text: The text of the message you want to send to the channel. The message text cannot be empty. Example: Hello, Slack!.

List all channels

Retrieve a list of all channels in the Slack workspace.


  • Limit: The maximum number of channels to return. Value should be an integer between 1 and 1000. Example: 100.

  • Cursor: Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata. This parameter is optional. Example: dXNlcjpVMDYxTkZUVDI=.

  • Exclude Archived: Set to true to exclude archived channels from the list. Example: false.

Add a bot to a public channel

Join a bot to a specified public Slack channel using the conversations.join method.


  • Channel ID: The ID of the public Slack channel you want the bot to join. You can find the channel ID in the channel's details in Slack. The ID must start with 'C' followed by 8 or more alphanumeric characters. Example: C12345678.