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Google Apps

Google Apps provides a suite of cloud-based productivity tools that include Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Drive, and Google Sheets. These tools allow users to communicate, collaborate, and manage their work efficiently. This documentation outlines the various actions you can perform using the Google Apps API.

Gmail - Send email

Send an email on your behalf using Gmail's API.


  • Raw Email Content: The entire email content encoded as a base64url string. It includes headers such as To, From, Subject, and the body. You can use a library to generate this format. Ensure the content is properly encoded to avoid errors. Example: VG86IHRlc3RAd29ya2Zsb3c4Ni5jb20KU3ViamVjdDogVGVzdCBFbWFpbApDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IHRleHQvcGxhaW47IGNoYXJzZXQ9IlVURi04IgoKVGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3QgZW1haWwgc2VudCB2aWEgdGhlIEdtYWlsIEFQSSB1c2luZyBjdXJsLiBJdCBzZW5kcyBhbiBlbWFpbCB0byB0ZXN0QHdvcmtmbG93ODYuY29tLg==.

Gmail - Edit email labels

Edit labels for a specific email in Gmail.


  • Email ID: The unique ID of the email whose labels you want to edit. You can find this in the email's metadata. Example: 123abc456def.
  • Add Label IDs: The list of label IDs you want to add to the email, separated by commas. Get label IDs from your Gmail settings. Example: Label_1,Label_2.
  • Remove Label IDs: The list of label IDs you want to remove from the email, separated by commas. Get label IDs from your Gmail settings. Example: Label_3,Label_4.

Gmail - See email labels

Fetches the list of labels in a user's Gmail account.


  • User ID: The user's email address or the special value 'me' to indicate the authenticated user. Example: me.

Google Calendar - Share a calendar

Share a Google Calendar with specific users by setting appropriate permissions.


  • Calendar ID: The ID of the calendar you want to share. You can find this ID in the calendar's settings under 'Integrate calendar'. Example: primary.
  • Email Address: The email address of the person you want to share the calendar with. Example:
  • Role: The role to assign to the user for the calendar. Possible values are 'owner', 'writer', 'reader', or 'freeBusyReader'. Example: reader.

Google Calendar - List all calendars

Retrieve a list of calendars accessible by the user.

Google Calendar - Edit calendar

Modify details of an existing calendar in Google Calendar.


  • Calendar ID: The unique identifier for the calendar you wish to edit. You can find this ID in the calendar's settings on Google Calendar. Example: primary.
  • Calendar Data: A JSON object containing the calendar fields you want to update. Consult the Google Calendar API documentation for the valid fields and data structure. Example: {"summary":"New Calendar Name"}.

Google Docs - Edit document

Edit a document in Google Docs by updating its content.


  • Document ID: The unique ID of the document you want to edit. You can find this in the URL of your document. Example: 1A2B3C4D5E6F.
  • Requests: A JSON array of request objects specifying the updates to apply to the document. Refer to Google Docs API documentation for detailed structure. Example: [{"insertText": {"location": {"index": 1}, "text": "Hello World"}}].

Google Docs - Delete document

Delete a document from Google Docs by specifying the document ID.


  • Document ID: The unique identifier for the Google Doc document you want to delete. You can find this in the document URL in your browser's address bar. Example: your-document-id.

Google Docs - Create document

Create a new document in Google Docs.


  • Document Title: The title of the document you want to create in Google Docs. Example: Untitled Document.

Google Drive - Get list of files

Retrieve a list of files from the user's Google Drive.


  • Page Size: The maximum number of files to return in a single response. Example: 10.
  • Fields: Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. For example: nextPageToken, files(id, name).

Google Drive - Create file

Creates a new file in the user's Google Drive account.


  • Boundary: The boundary string used to separate different parts of the multipart request. Generate a unique boundary identifier. Example: boundary_string.
  • File Metadata and Content: The file's metadata and its content structured as a multipart request body. You should include metadata such as name and mimeType, and the raw file data. Example: {"metadata": {"name": "New File", "mimeType": "application/"}, "file_content": "..."}.

Google Sheets - Delete spreadsheet

Deletes a spreadsheet using the Google Sheets API.


  • Spreadsheet ID: The unique identifier of the spreadsheet you want to delete. You can find the spreadsheet ID in the URL of the Google Sheet. Example: your-spreadsheet-id.

Google Sheets - Create spreadsheet

This action creates a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets.


  • Spreadsheet Title: The title of the new spreadsheet. You can choose any name that will help you identify this document. Example: Untitled Spreadsheet.

Google Sheets - Get data from spreadsheet

Retrieve the data from a specific Google Sheets spreadsheet.


  • Spreadsheet ID: The unique ID of the spreadsheet. You can find this in the URL of your Google Sheets document. Example: 1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms.
  • Range: The A1 notation of the range to retrieve values from. For example, Sheet1!A1:C10.

Google Sheets - Edit spreadsheet

Edit a specific spreadsheet in Google Sheets.


  • Spreadsheet ID: The ID of the spreadsheet you want to edit. You can find it in the URL of your Google Sheets document. Example: your-spreadsheet-id.
  • Range: The A1 notation of the values to update (e.g., Sheet1!A1:D4).
  • Values: The values to input into the range specified. This should be formatted as a JSON array of arrays (e.g., [[\"value1\", \"value2\"], [\"value3\", \"value4\"]]).