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Airtable is a cloud-based collaboration service that combines the features of a database with the simplicity of a spreadsheet. It allows users to create and manage databases with a user-friendly interface, making it easy to organize and track information.

List all bases

This action will retrieve all bases from the Airtable API.

Create a table

This action allows you to create a new table in an existing Airtable base.

  • Base ID: The ID of the Airtable base where you want to create a new table. You can find your Base ID in the Airtable API documentation. It should start with 'app' followed by 10 alphanumeric characters.
  • Table Name: The name of the new table you want to create. Table names are case-sensitive and can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and underscores.
  • Table Description: The description of the new table you want to create. This field is optional.
  • Table Fields: The fields of the new table in JSON format. Each field must include a name, type, and optionally a description. Ensure the format is a valid JSON array of field objects.

Create Field

Create a new field in a specified table within your Airtable base.

  • Base ID: The ID of the Airtable base where the field will be created. You can find your Base ID in the Airtable API documentation for your base.
  • Table ID: The ID or name of the table within the base where the field will be created. This is usually the table name or a unique ID provided by Airtable.
  • Field Name: The name of the new field to be created in the table.
  • Field Type: The type of the field you are creating. Types can include singleLineText, number, date, etc.
  • Description: A description for the field being created. This helps to give context to what the field is used for and how it should be filled.

Update Field

Updates the name and/or description of a specific field in a specified table within an Airtable base.

  • Base ID: The unique identifier for the Airtable base. Typically found in the Airtable API settings.
  • Table ID: The unique identifier for the table within the base.
  • Column ID: The unique identifier for the column (field) you want to update in the table.
  • Field Description: The new description for the field. This is optional and should not exceed 20,000 characters.
  • Field Name: The new name for the field, if needed.

Create a new base

This action will create a new base in an Airtable workspace using the provided details.

  • Base Name: The name of the base you wish to create.
  • Workspace ID: The ID of the workspace where the base will be created. You can find your workspace ID in the Airtable workspace settings.
  • Table Name: The name of the table you wish to create within the base.
  • Table Description: A brief description of what the table is used for.
  • Table Fields: A JSON array of field objects for the table. Each field must include 'name' and 'type'. The first field is the primary field.

Create Records

Create new records in a specified Airtable base and table.

  • Base ID: The ID of the Airtable base where you want to create the records. You can find your Base ID in the URL of your base.
  • Table ID or Name: The ID or name of the table in the Airtable base where you want to create the records.
  • Records: An array of JSON objects representing the fields and values for each new record. Each object in the array should have a 'fields' property containing key-value pairs, where keys are the field names in your Airtable table and values are the corresponding data you want to insert.

Retrieve Record

Retrieve a specific record from an Airtable base.

  • Base ID: The unique identifier of your Airtable base. You can find your Base ID in the Airtable API documentation page for your base.
  • Table ID or Name: The ID or name of the table from which you want to retrieve the record. Table names should be URL-encoded.
  • Record ID: The unique identifier of the record you want to retrieve. You can find the Record ID in the Airtable UI or by calling the list records API and extracting it from the response.

Update Record

Update a specific record in an Airtable base.

  • Base ID: The ID of the Airtable base where the record is located. You can find your Base ID in the URL of your Airtable base.
  • Table ID or Name: The ID or name of the table where the record is located.
  • Record ID: The ID of the record you want to update. Record IDs are 17-character alphanumeric strings.
  • Fields Data: A JSON object that contains the fields to update, with the field names as keys and the new data as values.

List all records from a specified table

This action fetches all the records from a specified table or table id in Airtable.

  • Base ID: The unique identifier for your base, which you can find in your Airtable dashboard API section.
  • Table ID or Name: The ID or name of the table. IDs are preferable as they remain consistent if the table's name changes. You can find these in the Airtable API configuration panel for the base.

Update multiple records in a table

This action allows you to update multiple records in a specified table within your Airtable base using their record IDs.

  • Base ID: The ID of your Airtable base, which can be found in the Airtable API documentation or in the URL when you are viewing the base in Airtable.
  • Table ID: The ID of your table within the base. This is typically the name of the table, but you should check your Airtable API documentation or URL for the exact Table ID.
  • Records List: The list of records that you want to update, including their record IDs and the fields you want to update. It should be in JSON format.

Create a comment

This action allows you to create a comment on a specific record in Airtable.

  • Base ID: The ID of the base where the table is located. You can find this in the URL of the base in Airtable.
  • Table ID or Name: The ID or name of the table where the record is located. You can find this within your Airtable GUI.
  • Record ID: The ID of the record you want to comment on. You can find this within your Airtable GUI.
  • Comment Content: The content of the comment you want to add to the record.