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Twilio is a cloud communications platform that allows you to programmatically make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, and perform other communication functions using its web service APIs.

Send an SMS message

Send an SMS message using Twilio API.


  • Twilio Account SID: Your Twilio Account SID is a unique identifier for your Twilio account. You can find this in your Twilio account dashboard. It typically starts with 'AC' followed by 32 hexadecimal characters. Ensure you enter a valid SID in this format.

  • Sender Phone Number: This is the Twilio phone number from which the SMS will be sent. You can find this number in your Twilio account dashboard. It must be in E.164 format, which includes the country code, and should look like +1234567890.

  • Recipient Phone Number: The phone number of the recipient to whom the SMS will be sent. This number must also be in E.164 format, such as +10987654321.

  • Message Body: The content of the SMS message you want to send. This is a required field where you can enter the text message you wish to deliver.


The output of this action is the response from the Twilio API, which typically includes details about the message sent, such as the message SID, status, and any errors if they occurred.

Make a phone call

Initiate a phone call from a Twilio phone number.


  • Twilio Phone Number: Your Twilio phone number that will be used to make the call. It must be in E.164 format. You can find your Twilio phone number in your Twilio console. An example format is +15017122661.

  • Recipient Phone Number: The phone number you wish to call. It must be in E.164 format. If you're using a trial account, make sure this number is verified with Twilio. An example format is +14155551212.

  • TwiML URL: The URL where your TwiML instructions are located. TwiML is the Twilio Markup Language used to instruct Twilio on what actions to perform during the call. The URL must start with http or https, such as


The output of this action is the response from the Twilio API, which includes details about the call initiated, such as the call SID, status, and any errors if they occurred.