Stripe is a comprehensive payment processing platform that allows businesses to accept payments, manage subscriptions, and handle financial transactions online. With Stripe, you can easily integrate payment processing into your website or application, providing a seamless experience for your customers.
Charge a Customer
Create a new charge for an existing customer in Stripe.
Customer ID: The unique identifier of the customer you want to charge. You can find the Customer ID in your Stripe Dashboard under the Customers section. It typically starts with 'cus_' followed by alphanumeric characters.
Amount: The amount to charge the customer. This should be specified in the smallest currency unit (e.g., cents for USD). Ensure that the amount is a numeric value representing the smallest unit of the currency.
Currency: The currency in which the charge should be made. Use a 3-letter ISO currency code (e.g., 'usd', 'eur'). This code can be found in the currency settings of your Stripe account.
Issue Refund
Issue a refund for a payment in Stripe.
Payment Intent ID: The ID of the payment to be refunded. You can find this in the payment details in your Stripe dashboard. It should start with 'pi_'.
Refund Amount: The amount to refund, in cents (e.g., for $10.00, enter 1000). The amount should be less than or equal to the original payment amount.
Refund Reason: The reason for the refund. Allowed values are 'duplicate', 'fraudulent', or 'requested_by_customer'. Choose the appropriate reason based on the context of the refund.
Create Subscription
Create a new subscription for a customer in Stripe.
Customer ID: The ID of the customer to create the subscription for. You can find the customer ID in your Stripe Dashboard under Customers. It must start with 'cus_'.
Price ID: The ID of the price to subscribe the customer to. You can find the price ID in your Stripe Dashboard under Products and Pricing. It must start with 'price_'.
Payment Method ID: The ID of the customer's default payment method to use for the subscription. This can be obtained from the Setup Intents API and must start with 'pm_'.
Create Customer
Create a new customer in the Stripe platform.
Customer Email Address: The email address of the customer. This is required to uniquely identify the customer in Stripe. Ensure the email address is valid and follows the standard email format.
Customer Name: The full name of the customer. This is used for personalizing communication with the customer. Enter a valid name that includes letters, spaces, and common punctuation marks.