Skip to main content is a scheduling platform that allows users to create, manage, and organize events and bookings efficiently. It provides a seamless experience for both event organizers and attendees, offering features such as booking creation, cancellation, rescheduling, and event type management.

Create Booking

Create a new booking for an event using


  • Booking Start Time: The start time of the booking in ISO 8601 format in UTC timezone. Format should be YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Ensure the time is in UTC to avoid discrepancies. Example: 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z.

  • Event Type ID: The ID of the event type that is booked. This can be found in the URL after 'event-types/' when viewing the event type on For example, in the URL<eventID>, <eventID> is your Event Type ID.

  • Attendee's Name: The name of the attendee who is booking the event. This should be a full name for identification purposes.

  • Attendee's Email: The email address of the attendee. Ensure it is in a valid email format (e.g.,

  • Attendee's Time Zone: The time zone of the attendee. Use the IANA time zone database format (e.g., America/New_York).

  • Attendee's Language: The preferred language of the attendee. Available options include en, es, fr, etc. Choose from the provided list of language codes.


The output of this action is a confirmation of the booking creation, including details such as the booking ID, event type, and attendee information.

Cancel a Booking

Allows you to cancel a booking by providing the necessary booking ID and reason for cancellation.


  • Booking UID: This is the unique identifier for the booking you wish to cancel. You can find your booking UID in your booking details within the Cal app.

  • API Version: The API version you are using. For this request, it must be set to 2024-08-13.

  • Cancellation Reason: The reason for the cancellation of the booking. This is a required field to inform others why the booking is being cancelled.


The output confirms the cancellation of the booking and may include a cancellation confirmation message or status.

Reschedule a Booking

Allows rescheduling of an existing booking by providing a new start time.


  • Booking UID: The unique identifier of the booking you wish to reschedule. You can find this UID in your existing bookings on

  • New Start Time: The new start time for the booking in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2024-08-13T10:00:00Z.

  • Rescheduling Reason: The reason for rescheduling the booking. This can help track why bookings are rescheduled.


The output provides confirmation of the rescheduling, including the new booking details and any updated information.

Create an Event Type

Create a new event type for an organization and team.


  • Organization ID: Enter the ID of the organization under which the event type is to be created. You can find this ID in your organization settings.

  • Team ID: Enter the ID of the team for which the event type is being created. Team IDs are available in team settings within your organization's portal.

  • Event Length in Minutes: Specify the duration of the event in minutes. The length should be an integer representing total minutes.

  • Event Title: Provide a title for the event type which is descriptive and easily identifiable to users.

  • Event Slug: Enter a unique slug for the event type. The slug is a URL-friendly string that identifies the event.

  • Location Type: Specify the type of the location. Only 'address' is allowed.

  • Location Address: Provide the address where the event will be held.

  • Is Location Public: Indicate whether the location is public. Use 'true' for yes and 'false' for no.

  • Booking Field Type: Specify the type of booking field. Only 'phone' is allowed.

  • Booking Field Slug: Enter a unique identifier for the booking field in slug format (e.g., 'contact-number').

  • Booking Field Label: Enter the label for the booking field that will be visible to users. This will describe the information being requested (e.g., 'Contact Phone').

  • Is Booking Field Required: Specify whether this booking field is required. Use 'true' for required and 'false' for optional.

  • Booking Field Placeholder: Provide placeholder text for the booking field (e.g., 'Enter your phone').


The output confirms the creation of the event type, including details such as the event type ID, title, and associated settings.