Typeform is a versatile online form builder that allows users to create engaging and interactive forms, surveys, quizzes, and more. With Typeform, you can easily collect data and gain insights from your audience in a user-friendly manner.
Retrieve form
Retrieves a form by the given form_id. Includes any theme and images attached to the form as references.
- Form ID: Unique ID for the form. You can find this ID in your form URL. For example, in the URL 'https://mysite.typeform.com/to/u6nXL7', the form_id is 'u6nXL7'. This field is required and must be a string containing alphanumeric characters only.
The output will include the form details, such as the form structure, questions, and any associated themes or images.
Retrieve all responses for a specific form
This action retrieves all the responses for a given form in Typeform.
Form ID: The ID of the form for which you want to retrieve responses. You can find your Form ID in the URL when you edit the form on the Typeform interface. For example, in the URL 'https://mysite.typeform.com/to/u6nXL7', the form_id is 'u6nXL7'. This field is required and must be a string containing alphanumeric characters only.
Page Size: Maximum number of responses to retrieve. The default is 25, and the maximum is 1000. This field is optional and must be a number.
The output will include a list of responses for the specified form, up to the specified page size.
Retrieve responses from a form between two dates
This action retrieves all the responses for a given form in Typeform between two specified dates.
Form ID: The ID of the form for which you want to retrieve responses. You can find your Form ID in the URL when you edit the form on the Typeform interface. For example, in the URL 'https://mysite.typeform.com/to/u6nXL7', the form_id is 'u6nXL7'. This field is required and must be a string containing alphanumeric characters only.
Page Size: Maximum number of responses to retrieve. The default is 25, and the maximum is 1000. This field is optional and must be a number.
Since: Limit request to responses submitted since the specified date and time, inclusive. This can be passed as an integer (timestamp in seconds) or in ISO 8601 format. This field is optional.
Until: Limit request to responses submitted until the specified date and time, inclusive. This can be passed as an integer (timestamp in seconds) or in ISO 8601 format, UTC time, to the second. This field is optional.
The output will include a list of responses for the specified form, filtered by the date range provided.