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HubSpot is a leading CRM platform that provides a suite of tools for marketing, sales, and customer service. It helps businesses manage customer relationships, track sales, and automate marketing efforts.

Get Contact

Retrieve contact information from HubSpot using the contact ID.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the contact ID: The unique identifier of the contact in HubSpot. You can find this in the URL when viewing a contact in HubSpot or by using the search API. This field is required and must be a valid string.
  • Output: The action returns the contact details associated with the provided contact ID.

Update Deal

Update an existing deal in HubSpot using the deal ID and custom properties.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the Deal ID: The unique identifier of the deal you want to update. You can find the Deal ID in the URL when viewing a deal in HubSpot or by using the Search API. This field is required.
    • Enter the name of the custom property you want to update: The internal name of the custom property field in HubSpot. This is usually a lowercase, underscore-separated version of the display name. This field is required.
    • Enter the new value for the custom property: The value you want to set for the custom property. This could be text, a number, or a date, depending on the property type in HubSpot. This field is required.
  • Output: The action updates the specified deal with the new property values.

Get Deal

Search for deals in HubSpot using filters for pipeline and deal stage.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the pipeline ID: The unique identifier for the pipeline you want to search deals in. You can find pipeline IDs in your HubSpot account settings under 'Sales' > 'Deals' > 'Pipelines'. This field is required.
    • Enter the deal stage: The specific stage within the pipeline you want to filter deals by. This should be the internal value of the deal stage, not the display name. This field is required.
  • Output: The action returns a list of deals that match the specified pipeline and deal stage.

Update Contact

Update an existing contact in HubSpot using their email address as the identifier.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the email address of the contact you want to update: The email address is used as the unique identifier for the contact in HubSpot. This field is required.
    • Enter the name of the property you want to update: This is the name of the contact property field in HubSpot that you want to modify. This field is required.
    • Enter the new value for the property: This is the new value you want to set for the specified property. This field is required.
  • Output: The action updates the specified contact with the new property values.

Update Company

Update an existing company record in HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the company ID: The unique identifier of the company you want to update. You can find this ID in the URL when viewing the company in HubSpot or by using the List Companies API endpoint. This field is required.
    • Enter the updated company name: The new name you want to set for the company. This field is required.
    • Enter the updated company description: The new description you want to set for the company. This field is required.
  • Output: The action updates the specified company with the new name and description.

List Properties

Retrieve a list of all properties for a specified object type in HubSpot.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the object type for which you want to list properties: Specify the type of object you want to retrieve properties for. Common values include 'contacts', 'companies', 'deals', or 'tickets'. This field is required.
  • Output: The action returns a list of properties for the specified object type.

List Pipelines

Retrieve a list of pipelines for deals or tickets in your HubSpot account.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the object type for the pipelines: Specify whether you want to list 'deals' or 'tickets' pipelines. This field is required.
    • Specify whether to include archived pipelines: Set to 'true' to include archived pipelines in the results, or 'false' to exclude them. This field is optional.
  • Output: The action returns a list of pipelines for the specified object type.

Delete Contact

Permanently delete a contact from HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the ID of the contact you want to delete: The unique identifier for the contact in HubSpot. This field is required.
  • Output: The action deletes the specified contact from HubSpot.

Delete Property

Archive a property in HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the object type: Specify the HubSpot object type the property belongs to (e.g. contacts, companies, deals, tickets). This field is required.
    • Enter the property name to delete: Provide the internal name of the property you want to delete. This field is required.
  • Output: The action archives the specified property.

Update Property

Update an existing contact property in HubSpot, including its metadata and options.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the name of the property you want to update: This is the unique identifier for the property in HubSpot. This field is required.
    • Enter the label for the property: This is the display name for the property that users will see in the HubSpot interface. This field is required.
    • Enter a description for the property: Provide a brief explanation of what this property is used for. This field is optional.
    • Enter the group name for the property: Specify the property group this property belongs to. This field is required.
    • Enter the data type of the property: Specify the data type for this property. This field is required.
    • Enter the field type for the property: Specify how this property should be displayed in forms. This field is required.
  • Output: The action updates the specified property with the new metadata and options.

List Companies

Search and retrieve a list of companies from HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the company properties to retrieve: Specify an array of company property names you want to include in the results. This field is required.
    • Enter the maximum number of results to return: Specify the number of company records you want to retrieve per request. This field is required.
    • Enter the offset for pagination: Specify the starting point for retrieving results. This field is required.
  • Output: The action returns a list of companies with the specified properties.

Get Engagement

Retrieve details of a specific engagement in HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the engagement ID: The unique identifier of the engagement you want to retrieve. This field is required.
    • Enter the properties to retrieve: A comma-separated list of engagement properties you want to retrieve. This field is optional.
  • Output: The action returns the details of the specified engagement.

Delete Deal

Delete a specific deal from HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the Deal ID: The unique identifier of the deal you want to delete. This field is required.
  • Output: The action deletes the specified deal from HubSpot.

Delete Company

Permanently delete a company from your HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the ID of the company you want to delete: The unique identifier for the company in HubSpot. This field is required.
  • Output: The action deletes the specified company from HubSpot.

Get Property

Retrieve properties for a specified object type in HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the object type for which you want to retrieve properties: Specify the CRM object type such as contacts, companies, deals, etc. This field is required.
    • Specify whether to return only archived properties: Set to 'true' to return only archived properties, or 'false' to return active properties. This field is optional.
  • Output: The action returns properties for the specified object type.

Create Company

Create a new company record in HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the company name: The name of the company you want to create in HubSpot. This field is required.
    • Enter the company's domain name: The website domain of the company, without 'http://' or 'www.'. This field is required.
  • Output: The action creates a new company record in HubSpot.

Create Engagement

Create a new engagement (note, task, call, email, or meeting) in HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the type of engagement: Specify the type of engagement you want to create. This field is required.
    • Enter the owner ID for the engagement: Provide the HubSpot user ID of the owner for this engagement. This field is required.
    • Enter the timestamp for the engagement: Provide the Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) for when this engagement occurred or should be scheduled. This field is required.
    • Enter the contact ID associated with this engagement: Provide the HubSpot contact ID to associate with this engagement. This field is required.
    • Enter the body content for the engagement: Provide the main content or description for this engagement. This field is required.
  • Output: The action creates a new engagement in HubSpot.

List Engagements

Retrieve a list of engagements sorted from newest to oldest.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the maximum number of engagements to retrieve: Specify the number of engagements you want to fetch in a single request. This field is required.
    • Enter the engagement properties you want to include: Specify a comma-separated list of engagement properties you want to retrieve. This field is optional.
    • Enter the object types to include associations for: Specify a comma-separated list of object types to include associations for. This field is optional.
  • Output: The action returns a list of engagements with the specified properties and associations.

Get Company

Retrieve details of a specific company from HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the HubSpot company ID: The unique identifier of the company in HubSpot. This field is required.
  • Output: The action returns the details of the specified company.

Create Property

Create a new property for a HubSpot CRM object.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the object type for the new property: Specify the CRM object type you want to create the property for. This field is required.
    • Enter the internal name for the new property: Provide a unique internal name for the property. This field is required.
    • Enter the data type for the new property: Specify the data type for the property. This field is required.
    • Enter the property group name: Provide the name of the property group this new property should belong to. This field is required.
    • Enter the display label for the new property: Provide a human-readable label for the property. This field is required.
  • Output: The action creates a new property for the specified object type in HubSpot.

List Contacts

Retrieve a list of contacts from HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the maximum number of contacts to retrieve: Specify the maximum number of contact records you want to retrieve in a single API call. This field is required.
    • Enter the contact properties you want to retrieve: Specify a comma-separated list of contact property names you want to include in the response. This field is required.
  • Output: The action returns a list of contacts with the specified properties.

Create Deal

Create a new deal in HubSpot CRM.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the deal amount: The monetary value of the deal. This field is required.
    • Enter the name of the deal: A descriptive name for the deal. This field is required.
    • Enter the pipeline ID: The ID of the pipeline where the deal should be created. This field is required.
    • Enter the deal stage ID: The ID of the stage within the pipeline where the deal should be placed. This field is required.
  • Output: The action creates a new deal in HubSpot.

List Deals

Retrieve a list of deals from HubSpot with all properties.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the maximum number of deals to retrieve: Specify the maximum number of deals you want to retrieve in a single request. This field is required.
  • Output: The action returns a list of deals with all properties.

Create Contact

Creates a new contact in HubSpot with the specified properties.

  • Fields:

    • Enter the contact's email address: The email address of the contact you want to create. This is a unique identifier for the contact in HubSpot. This field is required.
    • Enter the contact's first name: The first name of the contact you want to create. This field is required.
    • Enter the contact's last name: The last name of the contact you want to create. This field is required.
  • Output: The action creates a new contact in HubSpot with the specified email, first name, and last name.