WhatsApp is a messaging platform that enables businesses to communicate with their customers through the WhatsApp Business API.
Send Text Message
Send a text message to a specific WhatsApp user.
WhatsApp Business Phone Number ID: The unique identifier for your WhatsApp Business phone number. This can be found in your WhatsApp Business Account settings under the Phone Numbers section. Each registered phone number has its own unique ID.
WhatsApp User Phone Number: The recipient's phone number in international format, including the country code (e.g., +16505551234). The number should not contain spaces or special characters.
Message Body Text: The content of your message. You can include text and URLs, with a maximum length of 4096 characters.
Enable Link Preview: Controls whether URLs in your message will display a preview. Set to "true" to enable previews or "false" to disable them.
Output: The action sends the message to the specified WhatsApp user and returns a delivery status response.
Send a text-based message template
Send a pre-approved message template to a WhatsApp user.
From Phone Number ID: The unique identifier of your WhatsApp Business phone number that will send the message. This can be found in your WhatsApp Business Account settings under the Phone Numbers section.
To Phone Number: The recipient's phone number in international format, including the country code. The number should be provided without any symbols or spaces (e.g., 16505551234).
Template Name: The name of your pre-approved message template. This must exactly match a template that has been created and approved in your WhatsApp Business Account's Message Templates section.
Language Code: The language code for your template, specified in the format "language_COUNTRY" (e.g., en_US, es_ES). This must match the language version of your approved template.
Output: The action sends the template message to the specified recipient and returns a delivery status response.