Jira is a project management tool that allows you to manage your projects and tasks.
To use this integration, you will need to create an API token for your Jira account. See the Credentials page for more information.
Create an Issue
Create a new issue in a Jira project using username and password for authentication.
Jira Instance URL: The base URL of your Jira instance. For example,
. Ensure that the URL is in the correct format, such asyourcompany.atlassian.net
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Project Key: The key of the project where the issue will be created. You can find the project key on the Project's main page in Jira. It typically consists of uppercase letters, numbers, or underscores.
Issue Summary: A brief summary of the issue to be created. The summary must be between 1 and 255 characters long.
Issue Type: The type of the issue (e.g., Bug, Task). Ensure that this type exists in your Jira project.
Username: Your Jira username, typically your email address.
Assign an Issue
Assign an existing issue to a specific user in Jira.
Jira Base URL: The base URL for your Jira instance. For example,
. Ensure the URL is correctly formatted. -
Issue Key: The key of the issue you want to assign. You can find the issue key in the details of the issue. It usually follows the format
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Assignee Account ID: The account ID of the user to whom the issue will be assigned. You can find this in the user's profile or use the Get User API.
Username: Your Jira username, typically your email address.
Update issue status
Updates the status of an issue in Jira.
Jira API Base URL: The base URL of your Jira instance, e.g.,
. Ensure the URL is correctly formatted. -
Issue ID or Key: The ID or key of the Jira issue to update. It usually follows the format
. -
Transition ID: The ID of the transition to change the issue's status. You can find the transition ID by fetching available transitions for an issue.
Jira Username: Your Jira account username, typically your email address.