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Database Page


The database page is where you will find all the records of a database displayed in an interactive table. From here, you can manage and edit the database as a whole, and all records inside of it.



At the top of the database, you will see a toolbar with various actions you can take:


Edit Records

To edit values in a record, simply double click on the value or "cell".


Remember to click "Save Edits" after you are done to push those changes to the database.


The Record ID and Session ID columns cannot be edited.

Edit Columns

This allows you to change the name of a column. Note that you cannot change the data type of a column once it is set.


Add Record

Add a new record by clicking the "+ Add Record" button at the bottom of the table.


Add new column

To add a new column, click the + on the right hand side of the table:


You will need to set the name of the column, and its data type.



Once set, the column data type cannot be changed, so make sure you choose the correct data type when creating that column.

Import records

This feature allows you to import data into your database via uploading a .csv file.

The column names in the .csv file must match the existing column names in your database. The column names are case sensitive, so "Email" will be treated as different to "email".



Keep the following in mind when importing records via this method:

  • If an error is encountered, the entire import operation will be abandoned (called an "all or nothing" approach). This error will need to be fixed and the file re-uploaded.
  • If a column exists in the uploaded .csv file but not in the database, it will not be imported. You can only import data into columns that already exist in the database.
  • If the data type in the uploaded file does not match the data type of the column in the database, this will result in an error.

Importing lists from a spreadsheet


When importing list data from a spreadsheet, the list must be surrounded by square brackets i.e. "A,B,C,D" must be "[A,B,C,D]" for it to import properly into a list column in the database.

Importing dates from a spreadsheet


When importing dates from a spreadsheet, the date must follow one of the following formats:

YYYY-MM-DD which is a date only value i.e. 2022-12-30

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS which is a datetime value without a timezone specified i.e. 2022-10-10 10:10:10. In this case, the timezone will be set as UTC +00:00.

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+HH:MM which is a datetime value with a timezone specified (+HH:MM) i.e. 2022-12-15 00:00:00+01:00

This means that if your date format in your spreadsheet is not in one of the formats above, you will need to convert it. For example "1/12/22" should be converted to "2022-12-01 00:00:00".


Clicking this turn on a filter for each column. You can use this filter to search through and filter the records being displayed.


Delete records

To delete records from the database, select the records you want to delete:


Then click Delete Records. You will be asked to confirm this action.


This action cannot be undone - once records have been deleted, they cannot be recovered.


Delete columns

Clicking this will allow you to delete columns and all data contained within them.


This action cannot be undone - once records have been deleted, they cannot be recovered.


Delete database


Deleting a database cannot be undone

Once a database has been deleted it cannot be recovered. You can download a copy of the database using the Export Database feature before deleting it permanently from Workflow86.

To delete the entire database and all of its data, click Delete Database.


You will be asked to confirm this action by manually typing in "permanently delete".
